Emailed Message from A RoyOnRescue Viewer From The UK

Hayley from the UK sent me a very nice email response and I thought I’d share it with everyone.
It reads:
My name is Hayley and I’m from the UK. I just want to say how fantastic your videos are and has made me want to follow the career I want to pursue even more, being a paramedic. Thank you.
Hayley H., age 16

Hello Hayley,

Thank you for taking the time to write. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying the RoyOnRescue series of video blog entries. I hope that you will continue to find them helpful, interesting and educational. Best wishes on your pursuit of an EMS career. There’s nothing like being a paramedic and being able to help others in their time of crisis. EMS is filled with everything from comedy to tragedy and the successful EMS provider is one that can cope well with each situation and know that they did their best regardless of the outcome. Let me know if I can be of further assistance and congratulations on Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebration! 60 years…Wow!



Roy Shaw

Roy is the lead trainer and co-founder of ProTrainings. He is also an EMT paramedic whose opinions about rescue come from many years of experience on the ambulance.

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