Roy on Rescue

Hurricane Sandy Is In Full Force and Now I Need An Ambulance!

Okay Rescuers,

When natural or unnatural disasters strike, the chance of getting emergency help to your doorstep fast while the EMS services are exhausted is very slim.  I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a situation that doesn’t get discussed much.  What effect does a hurricane or natural disaster have on the rest of the community?  We sometimes forget the fact that though the rest of the world is distracted by a storm or other disaster related buzz, people still get sick, heart attacks still happen, car accidents still happen but we don’t often think about from where the next ambulance, fire truck or police car is going to be responding.  This episode of RoyOnRescue addresses this issue and urges people who may be in high risk of needing an ambulance or other EMS service to think proactively and make arrangements before the emergency happens.  Think about moving loved ones with fragile health to temporary locations that may not be effected by the hurricane.  Can the person stay with a relative until the community has recovered?  What is the back up plan if one can be found?  I hope this RoyOnRescue episode get’s everyone thinking and will hopefully help prevent a needless death due to not having the appropriate plans in place.  Stay safe, our prayers are with everyone who has been and is effected by hurricane Sandy and other storms.


Roy Shaw

Roy is the lead trainer and co-founder of ProTrainings. He is also an EMT paramedic whose opinions about rescue come from many years of experience on the ambulance.

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