Roy on Rescue

iRescueRadio 002: Stem Cells, Overworked Doctors, Cancer Vaccine, Asthma, and Sleep

irescueradioep2This episode of iRescueRadio was originally released in November of 2008.  In it we discussed how stem cells have shown to help the body accept an organ transplant; we investigated the reasons for misdiagnosis of asthma and other illnesses, such as overworked doctors and excess paperwork; a new skin cancer vaccine is discussed; and the power of sleep as a memory aid and an important agent to fight cancer.


Stem Cell Method Seen as Success
Many doctors plan to quit or cut back: survey
Too little sleep tied to increased cancer risk
Skin cancer vaccine ‘welcome news’
Docs misdiagnose asthma 30 per cent of the time: Study
Go to sleep to remember new skills, study says

Roy Shaw

Roy is the lead trainer and co-founder of ProTrainings. He is also an EMT paramedic whose opinions about rescue come from many years of experience on the ambulance.

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