Chest Truama and CPR. To Do, Or Not To Do?

This week Roy answers a question that came all the way from France where a student asked a great question about how to perform CPR if a person has had major trauma to their chest after a motor vehicle accident. You know, starting CPR on a victim can be a difficult decision to make in any normal situation, then add the complication of internal or external truama and without guidance,  it may be a temptation to avoid providing CPR all together. On this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy Shaw, EMT-Paramedic and Trainer sheds some light on why it’s okay to perform CPR on a person with a chest injury  or on someone who has recently had thoracic surgery and what to consider while providing this life saving skill.


Be sure to keep the questions coming and send them to:

Giving CPR to People With Bleeding Chest Injuries

I received an email that I think we can all benefit from.

It read…

“Since most of the first aid measures for a no pulse, no breathing situation is immediate CPR, is it alright to do CPR if the victim has a wound on the chest that is bleeding profusely? This is not that I have seen this situation, but I like to think that if it happens I would know what to do!”
C. H.

That’s a great question C.   Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by a serious traumatic injury and forget the basics and what needs to be done first in order to try and save the person’s life.  Or, we can look at a complicating injury such as a chest wound and think,  How am I going to do CPR on this person, there chest has a serious bleeding wound right where I’m going to give my compressions?

In this episode of RoyOnRescue we are going to look a proper treatment plan if we ever came across a person who had a serious chest injury and needed CPR.