Football Helmet Removal During Emergencies

In this episode, Roy answers a question that came in regarding how to remove a football helmet if a person may have a neck injury.  Roy explains that only when the person’s life depends on it, should a helmet be removed before professional rescue personnel arrive.  If the person’s life depends on a rescuer being able to remove the helmet, then it should be removed following a few guidelines.  Be sure to watch this episode of RoyOnRescue to learn when and how a helmet should be removed during an emergency.

Roy Shaw

Roy is the lead trainer and co-founder of ProTrainings. He is also an EMT paramedic whose opinions about rescue come from many years of experience on the ambulance.

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2 comments on “Football Helmet Removal During Emergencies

    • Hello Rescue Fan!

      SMOG, nicknamed in the 19th century for the “smoke” and “Fog” found in London due to coal burning fireplaces and furnaces and low hanging fog can be a real problem with increased pollution. One of the reasons smog is so dangerous is due to the fact that many times higher than the safe level of pollution particles hangs in the air like a nebulizer mist. when inhaled, this polution can get into our blood stream and effect our whole body and vital organs. There has been a lot of concern about this especially in China. Over 8000 deaths have been attributed to SMOG in China and I’m sure that long term affects are even worse.
      In an article by the “The Daily Green”, it stated that, “ozone needs heat and sunlight to form from its precursor chemicals. That’s why you hear warnings about air pollution most often on hot sunny summer days. But be aware: Ozone persists for hours after forming, so unhealthy conditions often last well into the evening, after the sun has gone down. Also be aware that ozone isn’t the only pollutant out there. Another major cause for concern are fine particulates — dust and soot, but also tiny chemical droplets. Particulates can cause air pollution problems year round, especially since furnaces and wood-burning stoves can produce unhealthy levels in the winter.”

      Read more: Ozone Smog Air Pollution Facts and Myths – Ozone Facts and Myths – The Daily Green
      Follow us: @the_daily_green on Twitter | thedailygreen on Facebook
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      I hope this helps!

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