Shock and the Capillary Refill Test

In this RoyOnRescue Video Blog, a student had emailed Roy a question about explaining the Capillary Refill Test and how it may relate to determining if someone is suffering from shock.
Be sure to watch this episode of RoyOnRescue and learn a new trick that could either tell you if someone is going into shock, or that their hands are simply cold.
There are three main reasons why a person may have more than a 2 second capillary refill time:
1. Shock
2. Peripheral Vascular Disease
3. Hypothermia or cold hands
This slow capillary refill time of more than 2 seconds should only be an indication that we should check for other problems. Please don’t assume simply because someone has a slow cap. refill that they are going into shock. It is simply a quick and easy test to help point a first aider in the right direction and to tell us we should check for other issues.

iRescueRadio 030: Cellular Phones and Cancer, When to Call the Doctor, Jokes & Age and Faulty Speed Sensors

This episode of iRescueRadio covers many great topics, starting with a problem with raccoons and what to do about them.

The next topic is about speed sensors taking the blame for the Air France crash.

After that is a discussion of the cancer risk that is associated with cell phones.

The stumper this week is about when you should call your doctor versus calling 9-1-1.

iRescueRadio Episode 30 [Download]

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