Why Do We Cover A Patient In Shock?

Hello Rescue Fans!

In this unedited video, I talk about and explain why we cover a patient who may be showing signs of shock after this question came in by emashockblanketil.  Remember, it’s important to help the patient feel comfortable, cared for, and safe as best as possible.  But physiologically speaking…keeping the patient warm helps prevent hypothermia “which shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left, impairs oxygen delivery, and exacerbates the shock state.”(http://www.ebmedicine.net/topics.php?paction=showTopicSeg&topic_id=110&seg_id=2113)  And in the end, the fact that the person feels well cared for can help them become less anxious and do better through the traumatic event.  Hope this helps.

Can I Use Adult AED Pads on a Child or Infant?

Hello Rescue Fans!AEDPadplace

I received a question via email about using an adult AED on a pediatric patient if there were no pediatric AED pads available.  The quick answer?  Yes, you can.  Remember, many newer AED’s are now attenuated and will usually give as much electricity as needed to accomplish de-fibrillation.  If at all possible, use an AED with pediatric pads and place them correctly on the chest and back of the pediatric patient.  If no pediatric pads are available, place the adult size AED pads on the front center of chest and in the middle of the child’s back approximately between the shoulder blades to ensure most effective de-fibrillation even with adult AED.  In the end, when a person is suffering sudden cardiac arrest, the majority of the time, they are in a some form of de-fibrillatable rythm and an AED is of great benefit,  even if the size of the pads don’t match.  Ages for the child ranges between 1-8 or first signs of puberty, after that, treat as an adult and if under 1 year of age, treat as an infant.  There’s some question as to the effectiveness of de-fibrillation in infants under 1 year.  See the above links for more details regarding this subject.

I hope this helps.

Keep On Rescuing!

What Do I Do If I Find Someone In Anemic Shock?

Hello Everyone,

In this Vlog, Roy replies to an emailed question regarding someone’s friend who apparently has anemic complications. Due to this, she goes into shock, most likely due to the lack of Red Blood Cells which are required to carry oxygenated blood to the body’s tissues. Roy wanted to make sure and reply to this before the weekend. Hope it helps.

Keep On Rescuing,

RoyOnRescue Team

P.S. The following is the explanation of anemia per MedScape Reference(http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/780334-overview)
Anemia is characterized by a reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs), the amount of hemoglobin, or the volume of packed red blood cells (hematocrit). Anemia is classified as acute or chronic. Acute anemia denotes a precipitous drop in the RBC population due to hemolysis or acute hemorrhage. In the emergency department (ED), acute hemorrhage is by far the most common etiology. This article also discusses other causes of acute anemia.

Can People In Shock Still Be Conscious? Stages of Shock

In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy Shaw, Paramedic answers a question that came in this week that read.

“Is it true that conscious victims can also go into shock?  And if so, is comforting and re-assuring the patient important?”


I thought that these were fair questions and deserved a RoyOnRescue explanation… video style.  So be sure and watch and let me know if you have any further questions.

Best Wishes,


Shock and the Capillary Refill Test

In this RoyOnRescue Video Blog, a student had emailed Roy a question about explaining the Capillary Refill Test and how it may relate to determining if someone is suffering from shock.
Be sure to watch this episode of RoyOnRescue and learn a new trick that could either tell you if someone is going into shock, or that their hands are simply cold.
There are three main reasons why a person may have more than a 2 second capillary refill time:
1. Shock
2. Peripheral Vascular Disease
3. Hypothermia or cold hands
This slow capillary refill time of more than 2 seconds should only be an indication that we should check for other problems. Please don’t assume simply because someone has a slow cap. refill that they are going into shock. It is simply a quick and easy test to help point a first aider in the right direction and to tell us we should check for other issues.

What is Shock and How Do I Treat It?

In this video blog, Roy Shaw, EMT-P answers a question by a student. The student wanted to know what shock is and how to treat it. Roy explains what shock really is and how you can treat it and possibly save one’s life.

What if Someone Passes Out? What Do I Do Next?

Ever wonder why someone passes out unexpectedly?   More importantly, ever wonder what to do if someone passes out?  Today, Roy Shaw, EMT-Paramedic answers a question that was sent to him where someone who really cares about rescue asks, “How do I handle a situation where someone has passed out?”  Roy explains what is happening when someone passes out and how to apply basic first aid in order to help.  So, the next time someone goes unconscious for any reason, you may know what to do.