In this episode of RoyOnRescue, I answer a question from someone who jumped feet first into a shallow pool and now their foot hurts when they walk on it. Is it broken or just sprained and how do I know what to do? Watch this episode to find out more.
Category Archives: Sprains
When Does An Injured Finger Need To Be Seen By The Doctor?
Hello Rescue Fans!
I received an email from someone who fell while rollerblading and injured their hand. They didn’t want to go to the doctor if they didn’t have to, but were concerned that they may have a fracture or a more serious injury and didn’t want to make a bad decision.Though I’m no “Orthopod“(slang word for the day meaning orthopedist) but there are a few tell-tale signs that I look for to determine if a trip to the doctor is warranted. Let’s face it, almost all injuries bruise and swell, but it’s in finding a couple of other things like crepitus or deformity that we realize this may be more serious. Keep in mind, even a bruise or swelling could be reason enough for trip to the doc. Though needless trips to the ER are never fun, losing the important function of fingers or toes is even worse. For those of you who can relate, I hope this helps!

Ankles, Impaled Objects and CPR
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, I answer two different emailed questions. The first from Michael who asked: “I was taught you remove the object only if it interferes with CPR.” Great question Mike. As a general rule of EMS, we only remove an impaled object if it’s obstructing the airway and preventing the ability to secure an airway. Removing an impaled object will often times “un-plug: the hole that was created by the injury and may cause excessive internal bleeding that can only be controlled in a surgical environment. As a lay rescuer, the Good Samaritan will follow the directions of the 911 dispatcher. In a worse case scenario, hands only CPR can still be performed. If the object is in the chest, try and work around the object as best as possible and provide what care you can without causing more harm. A second question came in just this afternoon from Sara who asks about an “ankle popping out” and what to do if this were to happen while on vacation. It sounds as though Sara may have a chronic problem with her knee or ankle but because of a recent injury is especially concerned that it could happen while on an exciting vacation this Friday. In both cases I hope that the advice I give helps and a little tidbit about the first aid acronym, RICES could be the solution while on vacation. Watch this episode to learn more about what to do in case either of these situations arise.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Roy, RoyOnRescue
How Do I Know If It’s A Fracture or A Sprain?
Hello Again,
A great question came in about how to tell if an injury is a fracture or a sprain or strain. This is a great question. In some cases it’s very easy to tell that a fracture is present. Like… bone sticking out of the skin! But if it’s not and there isn’t any deformity, it can be tricky. Check out this video blog for a more in-depth look on how to tell if the injury is something that needs medical attention or if it’s minor and can be managed right at home.
To read a bit more about the specifics, feel free to browse this link.
Fractures Vs. Sprains and Strains
Best Wishes,