Hello Rescue Fans!
Ever wonder what you’d do if you began to choke when you’re alone? Well, someone else did too and asked that I do a RoyOnRescue on what to do during an emergency when you’re alone. This is the first of three videos in a mini series. This one will show you what to do if you begin to choke and want to survive to tell about it. I hope it helps!
Category Archives: Choking

Can I Do The Heimlich On A Person Who Just Had Back Surgery?
Heimlich procedure and if it’s okay to do it on a person who may have recently had a surgery on their back. The quick answer is YES! If you think about it, what’s more dangerous, the Heimlich on a sore back or letting the person die from a blocked airway? I wanted to take a couple minutes and answer this question directly and I hope it helps.
Are Hot Dogs Dangerous?
I received an email a couple of weeks ago by a well known television news show. They asked if I could help them with the topic of choking and specifically on hot dogs. I liked the idea and though they didn’t need the training I put together, I thought you all might benefit from it. In producing this training, I found that kids choke 60% of the time on food! Did you also know that of that 60%, 17% of the time it’s a hot dog? I thought it would be helpful for you rescue fans so I thought I’d share it with you. In this episode we discuss why kids choke on hot dogs, how kids choke on hot dogs, how to help prevent kids from choking and what to do if it happens. Get summer safe by catching up on this latest episode of RoyonRescue right now!

They’re Choking And I Can’t Get Them Out Of The Wheelchair!
Maybe you work with patients that are wheelchair bound and may, at times, be too large or have disabilities that limit your ability to get them out of the wheelchair in a hurry. Especially when they begin to choke during meal time. I received a phone call message regarding this very situation and though we had a great discussion about what to do for the patient over the phone, the person I was talking with thought it would be a great idea for it to be made into a video training. So, here you go Maria! I hope it helps.
Best Wishes,

When A Person’s Choking, How Do I Know When It Comes Out?
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy answers a question that came in via email regarding a situation where the person did the abdominal thrusts but the object did not come out to the best of their knowledge. Should they keep doing chest compressions or is there something else that can be done to get the foreign body out of the victim’s airway. Be sure to watch this episode to get the answer.
Infant Choking, Back Slaps or Chest Thrusts?
Ever wonder what to do if an infant began choking next to you? Ever wonder if one procedure was more effective than another? Well, one of our students did and emailed me a question about his topic. In this video blog entry I open up the discussion about back slaps and chest thrusts, what they do, and how they work to help a choking victim. Then at the end, I give you the secret about which one is more effective. Enjoy!
Clinical Pediatrics
The Choking Child—A Life-Threatening Emergency
Evaluation of Current Recommendations
Susan B. Torrey, MD
Airway pressure with chest compressions versus Heimlich
manoeuvre in recently dead adults with complete airway
Accepted 22 November 1999. published online 17 August 2004.
In a previous case report a standard chest compression successfully removed a foreign body from the airway after the Heimlich manoeuvre had failed. Based on this case, standard chest compressions and Heimlich manoeuvres were performed by emergency physicians on 12 unselected cadavers with a simulated complete airway obstruction in a randomised crossover design. The mean peak airway pressure was significantly lower with abdominal thrusts compared to chest compressions, 26.4±19.8 cmH2O versus 40.8±16.4 cmH2O, respectively (P=0.005, 95% confidence interval for the mean difference 5.3–23.4 cmH2O). Standard chest compressions therefore have the potential of being more effective than the Heimlich manoeuvre for the management of complete airway obstruction by a foreign body in an unconscious patient. Removal of the Heimlich manoeuvre from the resuscitation algorithm for unconscious patients with suspected airway obstruction will also simplify training.
Heimlich vs Back Blows/Chest Thrusts
Consensus Guidelines Not Followed in 1985 Release Encouraging Heimlich Maneuver
Should I Use Abdominal Thrusts or Chest Compressions?
Ever wonder what to do if someone chokes near you? Should you give them the Heimlich Maneuver or Chest Compressions? In this video Blog, Roy Shaw, EMT-Paramedic answers a students question about what to do if someone chokes and if Abdominal Thrusts or Chest Compressions are better. Roy takes a look at when to use abdominal thrusts as in the Heimlich Maneuver and when to use Chest Compressions for a person who is definitely choking.