What if your skin were to turn blue permanently? In this episode of RoyOnRescue, I talk about the possible irreversible side effects of drinking colloidal silver. There’s dangers and side effects that you should be aware of before you decide that silver is the cure.
Category Archives: Hazards
How To Remove A Tick and Prevent Lyme Disease!
In this episode, we boys take a closer look at a situation that hit home when one of Roy’s children may have been bitten by a tick. After consulting the doctor and getting preventative treatment for his daughter, Roy thought it would be a good idea to share his new found information with others. Roy, Dan and Jody get a few laughs and learn a lot about preventing Lyme disease and preventing tick bites. So, if you’ve ever been concerned about ticks and Lyme Disease, you won’t want to miss this 10 minute episode that shows pictures of ticks, what the bite looks like and how to tell if you may be infected by the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease.
Why Is Smog So Dangerous In Los Angeles In the Summer?
A rescue fan wrote in and asked, “Why is smog worse in the summer in Los Angeles?”
I did a little research and found the following. I hope it helps.
SMOG, nicknamed in the 19th century for the “smoke” and “Fog” found in London due to coal burning fireplaces and furnaces and low hanging fog can be a real problem with increased pollution. One of the reasons smog is so dangerous is due to the fact that many times higher than the safe level of pollution particles hangs in the air like a nebulizer mist. when inhaled, this polution can get into our blood stream and effect our whole body and vital organs. There has been a lot of concern about this especially in China. Over 8000 deaths have been attributed to SMOG in China and I’m sure that long term affects are even worse.
In an article by the “The Daily Green”, it stated that, “ozone needs heat and sunlight to form from its precursor chemicals. That’s why you hear warnings about air pollution most often on hot sunny summer days. But be aware: Ozone persists for hours after forming, so unhealthy conditions often last well into the evening, after the sun has gone down. Also be aware that ozone isn’t the only pollutant out there. Another major cause for concern are fine particulates — dust and soot, but also tiny chemical droplets. Particulates can cause air pollution problems year round, especially since furnaces and wood-burning stoves can produce unhealthy levels in the winter.”(http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/ozone-air-pollution-smog-0706)
China too has hit an all time high in air pollution and a complication with Smog.(http://www.cnbc.com/id/100456949) It is said that High levels of air pollution in China’s cities leads to 350,000-400,000 premature deaths.(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6265098.stm)
So what can be done if you find yourself “socked in” by a cloud of toxic particulate? Well, depending on the chemicals in the air, we could walk around with particulate filtering masks designed with the appropriate micron filter. But this is not sustainable. It is helpful however, if you find yourself in such a situation. It would be wise to view it like any hazardous environment and try to escape as soon as possible. One should be aware that some of these chemicals can enter our bodies via eyes, nose, mouth, food, water and in some cases the skin or breaks in the skin. So, the next time you go outside and can take a deep breath of fresh air and view the nice minty green lichen growing on the north side of your trees, be sure to thank God that you don’t have to deal with terrible conditions of these very polluted locations. Oh, but remember, air moves
everywhere and it eventually affects us all. So, don’t forget to call your government reps and let them know you’re thinking about them and the anti pollution policies their voting on. Here, and everywhere else too!
Here’s a News Video About The China Smog.
You Just Got Drain Opener Splashed In Your Eye. Top 5 Things To Do.
I just received a question from one of our Power Rescue Fans. They asked:
“I just went through a frightening and painful experience at work the other night. I got splashed in my eyes with an acid based cleaner. I know some chemicals that can become more corrosive if water is applied, although that doesn’t go for all of them. What do you do in the case of first aid when you get any type of chemical in your eyes? Is irrigation always the first line treatment? Thanks!”
What a great question. You’re right about the concept that some chemicals could actually cause more damage when water is added. Take the case of phosphorous pentoxide, which can burst into flames upon contact with water, or in the case of other dry alkali chemicals they may actually begin a chemical reaction upon water contact. In most cases “dry” chemicals should be brushed off as best as possible, prior to irrigating with water. When it comes to eyes, the rule of thumb for most chemicals, not the least acid, is flush with sterile or clean water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Here’s a list of the top five actions to take after you realize there’s an eye emergency:
1. Stay calm and calm the patient with confident words like, I’m Going To Take Good Care of You!
2. Is the scene safe? If not, wait until it is or get personal protective equipment
3. Determine what type of chemical you’re dealing with and read the label for first aid or read the MSDS sheet
4. If the chemical exposure calls for dilution, begin flushing the effected eye(s) with clean or sterile water for at least 15 minutes
5. Tell EMS providers what chemical you’re dealing with, wow much the patient was exposed to, and what treatment has been provided and for how long
The “eye-dia” sorry…is that we manually keep the eyelids open while we flush the eye(s). This should be done in a way that won’t cause cross contamination of the non effected eye. In other words, flush from inside to outside away from the non-affected eye. Activate EMS (911 in the US and 999 in the UK as well as many other countries). The EMS personnel should continue the flushing with sterile water or saline for the duration of the trip to the hospital. Remember, “the solution to pollution is dilution. P.S. Don’t let hysterics get in the way of your treatment. Your patient is going to be scared, blind and really upset. Besides all that…it probably hurts like fire in the eyes, but as rescuers, we have to do what needs to be done and that means holding the eyelids open while flushing.
Keep on Rescuing!

Part 2 How To Survive In The Wild…A Follow Up To Comments
There was such a great response from the last episode covering life threatening emergencies in the wild, Roy decided to record a “Part 2” response that expounds on a couple of the comments.
Are there any medications that may save a heart attack victim’s life in the wild? and, If I’m asthmatic, is there any thing I can do to increase my chances if I’m away from civilization. Be sure to watch this follow up episode to put the pieces together on how to survive in the wild.
So, don’t stop having fun and living life to the fullest, but if you’re going to go out into the wild, make sure you’ve got a game plan for surviving unexpected events.
Snake Bites Part 1 of 2
An Emergency Responder who helps out with California High Desert Races is having some issues with Poisonous Snake Bites and slow response times due to being so far away from civilization. In this response video blog, we take a look at the different types of rattlesnakes that are causing problems, how they might kill a person and how we as rescuers could make the difference between life and death.