CPR With A Knife In The Chest?

Hello Everyone!

On this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy answers a question that came in some time ago about how to do CPR if the person has an object imbedded in their chest.  Roy sheds some light on the simple yet affective way to rescue without causing harm to yourself and to the patient.  If you’ve ever wondered what to do if a person had a knife in the chest and was in cardiac arrest, you’ll want to watch this video blog.

RoyOnRescue Team

RoyOnRescue End Of Year Wrap Up

In this latest episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy takes a moment to thank everyone for a great year while showing you around the Corporate Office of RoyOnRescue and ProTrainings.com.  Though a few of the professionals may have been caught off guard, you get a chance to see behind the scenes as Roy thanks you and the team for all of the support in 2011.



Did I Do CPR Wrong?

In this episode of RoyOnRescue,  Roy answers an email that was just sent in regarding a person who provided CPR for a cardiac arrest victim but it was different than how the two other certified responders where doing CPR.  Please tell me we don’t give rescue breaths anymore, I hope I did the right thing, “God forbid my way was wrong”.  Roy answers this question in a way that explains how all three of the rescuers did the “Right Thing”.  Be sure to watch this episode to learn how compression only and complete CPR are beneficial for the cardiac arrest victim.

Overcoming Diabetes Part 2 of 2 Interview With Clint Crabtree

This is the concluding episode of the interview between Clint Crabtree, MMA Champion, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blackbelt and Owner of Grand Rapids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  In this final part of the interview with Clint, he explains in more detail how he manages his diet combined with exercise and how it’s redefining the way we think about living with diabetes type 1 or type 2.  If you have diabetes, want to prevent diabetes or maybe know someone who is diabetic, you won’t want to miss this final part of a very enlightening interview.



Turkey, Road Rage and Trauma Oh My!

What does Turkey, Trauma, and Road Rage have in common? Black Friday! In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy shows how crazy it can be when waiting in line for that “perfect” gift that one could just die for?

Don’t miss this episode of RoyOnRescue where Roy sheds some light on how to stay safe while getting those Black Friday bargains.

Part 2 How To Survive In The Wild…A Follow Up To Comments

There was such a great response from the last episode covering life threatening emergencies in the wild, Roy decided to record a “Part 2” response that expounds on a couple of the comments.
Are there any medications that may save a heart attack victim’s life in the wild? and, If I’m asthmatic, is there any thing I can do to increase my chances if I’m away from civilization. Be sure to watch this follow up episode to put the pieces together on how to survive in the wild.

So, don’t stop having fun and living life to the fullest, but if you’re going to go out into the wild, make sure you’ve got a game plan for surviving unexpected events.

Here’s A Test Question. You’re At The Scene Of A Car Accident…

In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy replies to a comment that was submitted by a student who questioned the logic as to why ProTrainings.com offers a test that would give a scenario about a car accident when it wasn’t specifically covered in the training.  Roy helps shed some light on this by applying the basic principals of basic CPR and First Aid as it relates to “Scene Size Up”, Scene Safety, and patient assessment.  He also shows how the universality of Emergency First Response can usually be applied to almost every situation.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Graphic Provided By CDC

In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy talks about the possible dangers of Carbon Monoxide gas in the home and garage and how it can occur, how to recognize it and how to prevent it. With the cold weather on it’s way, you won’t want to miss this good reminder about a possible silent killer that can be prevented.

CDC reminds us of some of the basic ways to prevent this from happening.


How can I prevent CO poisoning from my home appliances?

  • Have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified technician every year.
  • Do not use portable flameless chemical heaters (catalytic) indoors. Although these heaters don’t have a flame, they burn gas and can cause CO to build up inside your home, cabin, or camper.
  • If you smell an odor from your gas refrigerator’s cooling unit have an expert service it. An odor from the cooling unit of your gas refrigerator can mean you have a defect in the cooling unit. It could also be giving off CO.
  • When purchasing gas equipment, buy only equipment carrying the seal of a national testing agency, such as the American Gas Association or Underwriters’ Laboratories.
  • Install a battery-operated CO detector in your home and check or replace the battery when you change the time on your clocks each spring and fall.http://www.cdc.gov/co/faqs.htm

In Depth CO Poisoning Info From the CDC

Big Waves Can Mean Big Danger

It’s been a while but it’s good to be back. In this episode I explain why it’s been so long between my last vlog and this latest release. I also talk about a first hand experience I had watching dangerous undertows and sideways currents when I took my family to Lake Michigan on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The waves were 4-6 feet and they may have made a very dangerous situation. Be sure to watch in order to learn more about how to keep others safe at the beach.

For explanation of Rip Tides and Under Tow click here: http://www.ripcurrents.noaa.gov/glossary.shtml

Heat Emergencies Revisited

In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy re-explains some important tips regarding recognition, prevention and treatment of heat related emergencies. It’s hot outside and those who are old, young and have ill health may be at a greater risk. Learn how to rescue someone today from the heat.


Best Wishes,


RoyOnRescue Team